Inkscape AI compatible EPS exporter

Edit: I moved the script to GitHub, go there for full information and downloads.

This script converts an Inkscape SVG to Adobe Illustrator 7 compatible EPS. The generated EPS file uses custom Illustrator PS operators, and includes PostScript processes that stands in place of said operators when the file is not opened with Adobe Illustrator.

Reporting issues

Please report issues using the project’s github issue tracker, and upload a minimal SVG file that can reproduce the error.


If you create some graphics and export it with this script, the copyright of the exported image belongs to you, your are free to do with it whatever you want.


  • thekorp says:

    Thanks a lot man, You’re awesome.

    can i share your script to Shutterstock Thailand Contributors FB page?

  • Annabella Keszi says:

    OMG, I’m so happy I’ve found this, I was looking for a solution for so long!!! Thank you! I have one question though. I have a graphic in Inkscape at 1600x1600px size, artboard is the same size. When I open the eps file either in Illustrator CS6 or in Inkscape, the graphic’s and the artboard’s sizes are different, and none of them matches the original size. Also, they are a different size in Inkscape and Illustrator. Is there any setting in Inkscape that could prevent this? What am I missing? Thanks

    • Prim András says:

      I tested it with some simple files, and I did not get this problem. If you send me your file I might be able to find out some workaround.

      • Annabella Keszi says:

        Lüke vagyok, elsőre valahogy nem tűnt fel, hogy magyar vagy. Nagyon köszönöm, hogy megnézted 🙂

        I tried a couple of things and found out that the problem was that I created the graphics in Inkscape 0.92 before I tried to save the eps from 0.91. When I copied the elements into a fresh new 0.91 version file it worked. The artboard is the same size as the graphics. I couldn’t check in Inkscape though, because it opens all eps files as blank page (except that mentioned strange one – I couldn’t figure this one out yet, but this is a different story). In Illustrator everything is 80% size now, but I read somewhere, that it’s probably because of the 72 dpi / 90 dpi difference, that’s fine. Thanks again.

  • karusawa says:

    Thanks so much for this extension.but it not work when I open EPS file on Illustrator cc 2017.

  • Great script… I got many vectors with gradient fill accepted on SS saved using this script.

  • Dee says:

    hi. Thanks so much for this extension. I don’t have a Linux folder. I use windows 7. I tried creating a new folder (where Linux should be) but I can’t seem to unzip your files there. Should I be doing something different since I use Windows 7? thx

  • Ahmad says:

    This is script is not have copyright right, so can i download it and use it?,because i don t want using something illegal, thankyou

    • Prim András says:

      You can use it however you like. Most of it is “I don’t care” licensed, the hard mathematical portion is MIT licensed.

  • lutfee says:

    thanks a lot, its great,

  • FreeCreators says:

    Great great software!! I am trying to start a microstock career, so to speak. and this extension helps to make it possible.
    All my exported .eps files are made with this extension, and they are accepted.

    If I may point out some possible improvements.

    I tested the extension with CorelDraw X7 and Microsoft Expression Design 4, got the same results

    as long as no gradients are used it is ok, using gradients results in a file not opening or just coloring all the artboard

    so for now i am not using gradient, but they are such a cool feature to use

    thanks again, great work 🙂

  • ceeg says:

    Thank you very much for this! I spent hours breaking my head over the problem where layers from Inkscape’s EPS weren’t correctly opening in AI and your extension was the solution!!

  • mike says:

    Wonderful! Unfortunately, AI8 specs is not available in order to export gradient meshes too…

    • Prim András says:

      Thanks. Actually, I didn’t even know, that inkscape can do gradient meshes.

      • mike says:

        Yes, since 0.91 it was implemented (probably not yet fully) the SVG v2 gradient mesh specification. The 0.92 nightly builds support exporting to EPS, Illustrator seems to read these, but it behaves as in case of simple gradients exported by Inkscape in EPS. Adobe cheats. Last time I’ve checked, they were saving even in svg their code, so if somebody edits the svg in other tool, the Illustrator don’t parse that, it reads only what it put in the svg, his format, so the file appears unchanged.

        • Prim András says:

          Earlier versions of inkscape also had EPS export, but they saved gradients as EPS gradients, and Illustrator (at least the version I used) opened those rasterized.

          • mike says:

            I confirm, Illustrator CC 2015.3 (the latest to date) behaves the same.

  • Ibnu says:

    Thanks million for this amazing work! very helpful, I spend many days for searching this solution, and finally arrived to this website. Great work!

  • Feuerbach says:

    Thanks for the great plugin! It helps beginners who start to sell stock illustrations a lot. I’ll put a link on my website. 😉

  • john says:


    How does this script work?
    I have copied the files in the folder as described in “Installation”.
    Now what?
    I can not find the ai extension in the save dialog, nor in the extensions section.

    • Prim András says:

      It should appear in the save dialog’s type dropdown menu as Encapsulated PostScript – AI compatible (*.eps). If it doesn’t, then unfortunately I do not know, what went wrong.

  • hajakely says:

    This script works for me like a charm
    inkscape 0.91, Debian Jessie.
    Thanks a lot!!

  • George says:

    It works although there’s a small visible white line which appeared as an artifact in the image I tested.

    • Prim András says:

      The script automatically closes filled objects, maybe that caused the white line?

  • plifendm says:

    Thank you. It seems the coolest solution. But, still can not unzip the contents into the Inkscape extensions folder in windows 8. Waiting for the win 8 version. Thank you.

  • Jan says:

    Hi, I would if I was being counseled. I downloaded and installed the script, but unfortunately my script gradients cancel out. I OpenSuse 13.1 I tried Inkscape 0.48 and 0.91.
    thank you

  • Debspoons (Debra) says:

    I just got a new laptop and I can not install this program on to it…
    because of windows 8?

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\share\extensions\

    can not open ….2 errors

    • Prim András says:

      Sorry, that I did not reply, but I was ill.
      I cannot really help you with that (maybe next week I can find a windows 8).

  • Debspoons (Debra) says:

    This is my experiment..It has been accepted as an eps file..

    • arip says:

      how about fotolia,shutterstock,gettyimages have you tested too?
      i need your answer so much….
      thanks for great scripts

  • Debspoons (Debra) says:

    Thank you for providing this. I have downloaded and will try this..I am always amazed at some of the art work that can be done with programs I can not afford. This Inkscape eps file will get me a step up on the ladder. I hope that you will let me ask some questions, if I have any problems.
    Thank you again,

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